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Matt Booth Series: Part 2

Written by New Standard Staff | 2/27/20 12:00 PM
Tim and Kevin had a chance to sit down with certified speaking professional Matt Booth. His talent is connecting humor and quick wit with people to create positive attitude changes. In this 3-part blog series we break down some of the key points Matt discussed with Tim and Kevin.
To hear the full podcast, click the link here:
Let’s dive in!
In our previous articles we discussed Navigating Negativity and Energy. Today, we are discussing Engagement.

What is Engagement?

Engagement is connecting with other people face to face. “About 47% of people say they do not have meaningful face to face conversations everyday," says Booth. Engagement is crucial to community building. Humans want to be around other people, helping others and engaging in others.

What is the Issue?

The biggest issue is technology, and the false assumption of community through a screen. “Half of our country is not having one meaningful conversation,” Booth says.
Booth also addresses the struggle of community with the rise of churches closing around the US. He stresses that, it’s hard to go through the week being positive without engagement. Life has its stresses, and we all need to be able to share life with others.
“The lack of that engagement (face to face) is the unhealthy side of isolation," Tim states.

Dangers of lack of engagement

Booth breaks it down further, with statistics stating 1 in 4 Americans will go through negative situations. Whether that would be: financial, relationship, mental and physical. 1 in 4 live paycheck to paycheck. 1 in 4 children live in poverty. 1 in 4 are addicted to opioids. The list goes on. The issue the culture has produced is to bury issues and act like it’s fine, which is why community is so vital.
So how can someone take action in a positive way to change it? Especially in working spaces?
Booth states it simply. “It’s going to take time. Make work like a family. Take time, invest, and nurture relationships.”
Kevin testified to the difference between a nurtured working environment versus not. “Productive workplaces don’t happen by accident. I worked at a place where you knew people, and connected with them outside of the workplace. It helped when the job was tough. The minute it changed was the minute the sense of community started to dissipate. It started to feel like every man for themselves,” Kevin states. “ If you get it on the positive side: people will enjoy working there, there will be more efficiency.”