Ben Cochran has been at New Standard US since 2014. His daily tasks include taking care of the main office, warehouse, shipping and receiving, project quotes and, deliveries.
His hands are on almost everything that goes on at the US branch. “I enjoy the challenge of finding hard-to-find things and helping people get what they need to keep their work going,” states Ben.
Just in case you missed that quote, Ben is your hard-to-find part sourcing guru. So if you need it, Ben’s your guy.

When that vital machine or equipment is busted, we know waiting around for a part is not always an option. So we asked Ben what his top tips and tricks are to find replacement parts with haste.
Tip Number 1
Scour the part for any relevant information. For example, the manufacturer, part number(s), what kind of machine or equipment it is on, dates, and a detailed description of the part can provide a great place to begin our investigation.
Tip Number 2
GOOD PICTURES. When you can’t find the obvious info, a photo can often be worth a thousand words. Ben says, “just take a few detailed, close-up and well-lit photos. It can help a ton in the search.”
Tip Number 3
Don’t give up & Follow Up. Sometimes that first try at a replacement isn’t quite right. If that part doesn’t work, let us know, we often have multiple options to try, as trial and error is just part of the solution. New Standard does its best to stock the most common and high-demand parts. If we don’t have what you need we’ll figure out who does and how to get it to you asap.

Or we can help find an alternative solution to your issue. We know some guys have older equipment that needs to keep running, so we have partners that can reproduce or make custom parts to keep some of your older equipment truckin’ along. Ben says the biggest thing to remember - “I love hearing from customers and helping solve problems, give me a call. I thrive at working behind the scenes, and it’s a big part of why I love working at New Standard US. We take pride in what we do, but we’re not just a provider or equipment; we love serving our customers.”
So next time you hear the grinding of gears or the smell of some fried electronics, think New Standard. Ben is standing by.