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Confined Spaces on the Farm


If you work on a farm, chances are you will be exposed to the hazards of confined spaces. So, what exactly is a confined space? Different jurisdictions might vary slightly on how they define a confined space, but I think WorkSafe BC defines it best as having the following characteristics:

Safety Culture on the Farm


Farmers are a different breed of worker—they do what has to be done, when it needs to be done. There is no punching the time clock and going off duty when the cows have to be milked and animals need to be fed. I think this is a commendable work ethic that we need more of in the world today, but it can also come at heavy cost. Over the past few years, I’ve read way too many news articles about fatalities and serious incidents involving farmers. From grain entrapment to being overcome by toxic gases in manure pits, all these share a common thread; none of them were “freak accidents” and all were easily preventable.


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